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王姝月, 樊磊, 白晓智, 杨龙龙, 蔡维霞, 赵彬, 苏琳琳, 石继红, 胡大海
Effect of the activation and secretion function of macrophage Notch1 after the stimulation of severe burn rat serum
Shuyue Wang, Lei Fan, Xiaozhi Bai, Longlong Yang, Weixia Cai, Bin Zhao, Linlin Su, Jihong Shi, Dahai Hu
中华损伤与修复杂志(电子版) . 2015, (02): 120 -125 .  DOI: 10.3877/cma.j.issn.1673-9450.2015.02.005