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中华损伤与修复杂志(电子版) ›› 2018, Vol. 13 ›› Issue (01) : 43 -49. doi: 10.3877/cma.j.issn.1673-9450.2018.01.009

所属专题: 文献


邹晓防1,(), 肖孟景1, 吴世建1, 李斌1, 蔡景宁1, 谢晓繁1, 李宝龙1   
  1. 1. 100142 北京,空军总医院烧伤整形科
  • 收稿日期:2017-12-20 出版日期:2018-02-01
  • 通信作者: 邹晓防

Effect of negative pressure wound therapy combined with local oxygen therapy on the treatment of pressure ulcers

Xiaofang Zou1,(), Mengjing Xiao1, Shijian Wu1, Bin Li1, Jingning Cai1, Xiaofan Xie1, Baolong Li1   

  1. 1. Department of Burns and Plastic Surgery, Air Force General Hospital, People′s Liberation Army, Beijing 100142, China
  • Received:2017-12-20 Published:2018-02-01
  • Corresponding author: Xiaofang Zou
  • About author:
    Corresponding author: Zou Xiaofang, Email:

邹晓防, 肖孟景, 吴世建, 李斌, 蔡景宁, 谢晓繁, 李宝龙. 负压吸引联合局部氧疗治疗压疮效果的研究[J/OL]. 中华损伤与修复杂志(电子版), 2018, 13(01): 43-49.

Xiaofang Zou, Mengjing Xiao, Shijian Wu, Bin Li, Jingning Cai, Xiaofan Xie, Baolong Li. Effect of negative pressure wound therapy combined with local oxygen therapy on the treatment of pressure ulcers[J/OL]. Chinese Journal of Injury Repair and Wound Healing(Electronic Edition), 2018, 13(01): 43-49.






负压吸引组在压疮的长度、宽度、深度上较常规换药组均明显减小,联合治疗组的减小效果更为显著,差异均有统计学意义(P值均小于0.05)。治疗后第8周常规换药组压疮的长、宽、深度分别为(3.04±0.43)、(3.63±0.88)、(1.55±0.77) cm,负压吸引组分别为(2.14±0.71)、(2.65±1.27)、(1.05±0.62) cm,而联合治疗组为(1.17±0.28)、(1.39±2.37)、(0.58±0.45) cm。负压吸引组压疮的渗出明显减少,压疮肉芽组织生长明显增多,创面缩小程度更为显著,联合治疗组的以上治疗效果明显优于负压吸引组,差异均有统计学意义(P值均小于0.05)。




To study the effect of negative pressure wound therapy combined with local oxygen therapy on the treatment of pressure ulcers.


From January 2015 to December 2016, 60 patients with pressure ulcers over Ⅲ stage admitted in Department of Burns and Plastic Surgery, Air Force General Hospital, People′s Liberation Army, were divided into 3 groups according to the random number table method: conventional dressing change group, negative pressure wound therapy group and negative pressure wound therapy combined with local oxygen therapy group, 20 cases in each group. Conventional dressing change group and negative pressure wound therapy group were respectively given conventional dressing method, negative pressure wound treatment. Negative pressure wound therapy combined with local oxygen therapy group was given negative pressure to attract wounds with local oxygen therapy. Immediately after admission, at the 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th, 6th, 7th and 8th week after treatment, the maximum length, width, depth, exudation, tissue type and wound shrinkage were observed. Date were processed with analysis of variance and LSD test.


The length, width and depth of pressure ulcers in the negative pressure wound therapy group were significantly decreased as compared to conventional dressing change group, while the decrease in negative pressure wound therapy combined with local oxygen therapy group was more significant, the differences were statistically significant (with P values below 0.05). The length, width and depth in conventional dressing group at the 8th week after treatment were (3.04±0.43), (3.63±0.88), and (1.55±0.77) cm, while in the negative pressure wound therapy group were (2.14±0.71), (2.65±1.27), and (1.05±0.62) cm, and in negative pressure wound therapy combined with local oxygen therapy group, there were (1.17±0.28), (1.39±2.37), and (0.58±0.45) cm. In the negative pressure wound therapy group, the exudation was reduced, the wound granulation tissue was increased, and the wound size was more reduced. All the above effect in the negative pressure wound therapy combined with local oxygen therapy group were obviously superior to negative pressure wound therapy group, the differences were statistically significant (with P values below 0.05).


Negative pressure wound therapy combined with local oxygen therapy can significantly promote wound healing, reduce exudation and promote the growth of granulation of pressure ulcers, it is better than the only use of negative pressure treatment, which can be applied as a new effective treatment method in the future.

表1 常规换药组、负压吸引组和联合治疗组创面长度、宽度、深度的变化(cm, ±s)
组别 例数 长度
入院后即刻 治疗后1周 治疗后2周 治疗后3周 治疗后4周
常规换药组 20 8.25±2.37 8.14±2.62 7.57±2.42 7.17±1.47 6.37±1.78
负压吸引组 20 8.37±2.34 8.11±2.57 7.43±2.12 7.05±2.38 6.28±2.14
联合治疗组 20 8.18±2.57 8.12±2.14 7.37±2.23 6.85±2.41 6.16±2.21
F ? 0.0313 0.0008 0.0412 0.1150 0.0527
P ? 0.9692 0.9992 0.9596 0.8916 0.9487
组别 例数 长度
治疗后5周 治疗后6周 治疗后7周 治疗后8周
常规换药祖 20 5.15±1.42 4.02±1.46 3.17±0.65 3.04±0.43
负压吸引组 20 4.82±1.36a 3.71±1.04a 2.84±0.49a 2.14±0.71a
联合治疗组 20 4.79±1.54a 3.25±1.08ab 2.14±0.68ab 1.17±0.28ab
F ? 2.3838 5.0564 14.7538 68.3842
P ? 0.0483 0.0183 <0.05 <0.05
组别 例数 宽度
入院后即刻 治疗后1周 治疗后2周 治疗后3周 治疗后4周
常规换药祖 20 6.43±1.97 6.41±2.24 6.25±2.31 5.84±1.45 5.65±1.77
负压吸引组 20 6.26±1.85 6.22±2.15 6.09±2.33 5.77±1.48 5.45±1.69
联合治疗组 20 6.63±2.34 6.25±1.97 6.11±1.87 5.63±1.39 5.28±1.66
F ? 0.1610 0.0463 0.0320 0.1102 0.2353
P ? 0.8516 0.9548 0.9685 0.8958 0.7911
组别 例数 宽度
治疗后5周 治疗后6周 治疗后7周 治疗后8周
常规换药祖 20 5.37±1.42 4.95±2.07 4.31±1.28 3.63±0.88
负压吸引组 20 5.22±1.72 4.09±1.55a 3.44±1.33a 2.65±1.27a
联合治疗组 20 4.15±1.22ab 3.65±2.37ab 2.33±2.37ab 1.39±2.37ab
F ? 4.1091 2.4319 6.5484 9.4520
P ? 0.0215 0.0480 0.0028 0.0003
组别 例数 深度
入院后即刻 治疗后1周 治疗后2周 治疗后3周 治疗后4周
常规换药祖 20 4.57±2.28 4.46±2.11 4.18±2.15 4.02±1.67 3.78±1.38
负压吸引组 20 4.36±2.15 4.35±2.71 4.12±2.03 3.98±2.26 3.65±1.38
联合治疗组 20 4.58±1.76 4.46±2.35 4.19±2.58 3.73±2.38 3.59±1.42
F ? 0.0717 0.0140 0.0056 0.1093 0.0972
P ? 0.9309 0.9861 0.9944 0.8967 0.9076
组别 例数 深度
治疗后5周 治疗后6周 治疗后7周 治疗后8周
常规换药祖 20 3.35±2.07 2.75±1.32 2.26±1.12 1.55±0.77
负压吸引组 20 3.26±2.17 2.24±1.42a 1.86±1.16a 1.05±0.62a
联合治疗组 20 2.75±1.23ab 1.86±1.33ab 1.37±0.63ab 0.58±0.45ab
F ? 1.9879 3.1647 3.9781 11.9664
P ? 0.0487 0.0341 0.0241 <0.05
表2 常规换药组、负压吸引组和联合治疗组创面渗出情况和组织类型评分的变化(分,±s)
组别 例数 渗出情况
入院后即刻 治疗后1周 治疗后2周 治疗后3周 治疗后4周
常规换药祖 20 2.96±0.37 2.63±0.61 2.32±0.41 2.17±0.62 1.97±0.38
负压吸引组 20 3.00±0.00 2.71±0.57 2.26±0.52 1.81±0.38a 1.63±0.24a
联合治疗组 20 2.93±0.26 2.69±0.44 2.31±0.33 1.85±0.42a 1.56±0.31a
F ? 0.3619 0.1168 0.1133 3.3125 9.6813
P ? 0.6980 0.8900 0.8931 0.0436 0.0002
组别 例数 渗出情况
治疗后5周 治疗后6周 治疗后7周 治疗后8周
常规换药祖 20 1.63±0.43 1.42±0.48 1.27±0.45 1.05±0.47
负压吸引组 20 1.15±0.47a 1.03±0.26a 0.91±0.62a 0.74±0.69a
联合治疗组 20 1.21±0.52a 0.82±0.25ab 0.54±0.73ab 0.27±0.52ab
F ? 6.0692 15.4286 7.1388 9.5658
P ? 0.0041 0.0000 0.0017 0.0003
组别 例数 组织类型
入院后即刻 治疗后1周 治疗后2周 治疗后3周 治疗后4周
常规换药祖 20 3.00±0.00 2.92±1.04 2.75±0.81 2.53±1.12 2.36±0.78
负压吸引组 20 2.96±1.61 2.94±0.76 2.79±0.63 2.61±0.42 2.05±0.29a
联合治疗组 20 3.00±0.00 2.87±0.47 2.71±0.87 2.57±0.49 1.98±0.62a
F ? 0.0123 0.0415 0.0530 0.0575 2.4188
P ? 0.9877 0.9594 0.9484 0.9442 0.0478
组别 例数 组织类型
治疗后5周 治疗后6周 治疗后7周 治疗后8周
常规换药祖 20 2.21±0.43 2.18±0.37 2.01±0.48 1.92±0.68
负压吸引组 20 1.92±0.52a 1.79±0.56a 1.64±0.62a 1.55±1.27a
联合治疗组 20 1.63±0.22ab 1.51±0.41ab 1.32±0.38ab 1.12±2.37ab
F ? 10.0179 10.9829 9.4231 5.2504
P ? 0.0002 0.0001 0.0003 0.0091
图1 常规换药组、负压吸引组及联合治疗组入院后即刻、治疗后1、2、3、4、5、6、7、8周创面体积变化。a示与常规换药组比较,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05);b示与负压吸引组比较,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05)
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