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中华损伤与修复杂志(电子版) ›› 2020, Vol. 15 ›› Issue (06) : 448 -453. doi: 10.3877/cma.j.issn.1673-9450.2020.06.005

所属专题: 经典病例 经典病例 文献


陈泽群1, 郝岱峰1,(), 张海军1, 褚万立1, 冯光1, 李善友1, 赵景峰1, 赵帆1   
  1. 1. 100048 北京,解放军总医院第四医学中心烧伤整形科创面修复中心
  • 收稿日期:2020-10-06 出版日期:2020-12-01
  • 通信作者: 郝岱峰
  • 基金资助:
    解放军总医院科技创新苗圃基金项目(18KMM45); 国家自然科学基金青年科学基金(81601730); 北京市自然科学基金(7182160)

Actinomycosis of the skin and soft tissue on the back: a case report and literature review

Zequn Chen1, Daifeng Hao1,(), Haijun Zhang1, Wanli Chu1, Guang Feng1, Shanyou Li1, Jingfeng Zhao1, Fan Zhao1   

  1. 1. Wound Repair Center, Department of Burns and Plastic Surgery, Fourth Medical Center of PLA General Hospital, Beijing 100048, China
  • Received:2020-10-06 Published:2020-12-01
  • Corresponding author: Daifeng Hao
  • About author:
    Corresponding author: Hao Daifeng, Email:

陈泽群, 郝岱峰, 张海军, 褚万立, 冯光, 李善友, 赵景峰, 赵帆. 背部皮肤软组织放线菌病一例并文献回顾[J]. 中华损伤与修复杂志(电子版), 2020, 15(06): 448-453.

Zequn Chen, Daifeng Hao, Haijun Zhang, Wanli Chu, Guang Feng, Shanyou Li, Jingfeng Zhao, Fan Zhao. Actinomycosis of the skin and soft tissue on the back: a case report and literature review[J]. Chinese Journal of Injury Repair and Wound Healing(Electronic Edition), 2020, 15(06): 448-453.




报道1例背部皮肤软组织放线菌病的诊治经过,分别以"放线菌、放线菌感染、皮肤、软组织"及"actinomycosis,cutaneous,soft tissue"为检索词检索中国知网和PubMed的相关文献并进行分析。






To investigate the clinical manifestations, diagnosis, differential diagnosis and treatment of skin and soft tissue actinomycosis and to improve the wound surgeons’ understanding of skin and soft tissue actinomycosis.


One case of skin and soft tissue actinomycosis on the back was reported and related literatures with "actinomycosis, actinomycete infection, skin, soft tissue" and "actinomycosis, cutaneous, soft tissue" reviewed as searching terms in CNKI and PubMed, respectively.


Compared with searched 20 literatures, it was typical with self-characteristic on the clinical manifestation, diagnosis, differential diagnosis and treatment. In this case, there was no obvious cutaneous mass on admission, but it was typical of multiple sinuses accompanied by more brown pus in the subcutaneous infected tissue. Actinomycetes were cultured from the patient on the 9th day after admission, however, no typical "sulfur particles" were observed by naked eye, bacterial culture and histopathology. The physical examination, intraoperative findings and auxiliary examination results of this case were highly similar to the clinical manifestations of gas gangrene, so that it was highly suspected of clostridium perfringens infection at first. But clostridium perfringens was not detected by repeated bacterial culture and smears. The treatment mainly included general treatment, surgical debridement and the use of antibiotics.


Primary skin and soft tissue actinomycosis is a rare disease with various clinical manifestations. There is relatively typical characteristics but no specificity. Therefore, the diagnosis should be considered comprehensively and differentiated carefully. Because of the low morbidity and difficulty in diagnosis, wound surgeons should pay attention to skin and soft tissue actinomycosis and make the correct diagnosis and treatment early.

图1 患者入院时于背部脊柱右侧约5 cm处皮肤可见一类圆形黄褐色干痂(黑圈所示),去除干痂可见3处皮肤破溃口(箭头所示),背部可见散在拔罐后的圆形皮肤淤血(红圈所示),创周皮肤质硬
图2 放线菌病患者2017年5月30日(入院第2天)至6月16日白细胞变化趋势
图3 放线菌病患者2017年6月3日(入院第6天)至6月14日降钙素原变化趋势
图4 放线菌病患者床旁行背部清创探查术,可见背部皮下软组织坏死呈灰褐色,筋膜层失去正常结构,形成多个小憩室
图5 放线菌病患者手术室内行腰背部清创术。A示整个背部、腰部皮下软组织大范围坏死,皮肤至脂肪层之间呈"夹隙样"坏死;B示"夹隙"内可见不同方向多个窦道,打开"夹隙"见较多土黄褐色脓液流出,筋膜间隙组织结构紊乱
表1 放线菌病患者确诊前后主要细菌培养结果及抗生素应用情况
图6 创面分泌物细菌培养肉眼观察放线菌菌落与油镜下放线菌形态(革兰氏染色×1 000)。A示肉眼观察放线菌菌落;B示油镜下可见放线菌呈革兰氏阳性染色,呈直或微弯曲杆菌,表现为不同程度分支,也可呈短杆菌,成对或成簇排列,呈Y、V、T形
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图8 2017年8月底放线菌病患者创面愈合
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