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中华损伤与修复杂志(电子版) ›› 2019, Vol. 14 ›› Issue (03) : 174 -181. doi: 10.3877/cma.j.issn.1673-9450.2019.03.003

所属专题: 文献


程宇1, 王国经1, 闫涛1, 吕伟1, 周丁华1,()   
  1. 1. 100088 北京,解放军火箭军特色医学中心肝胆外科
  • 收稿日期:2019-03-21 出版日期:2019-06-01
  • 通信作者: 周丁华
  • 基金资助:

Therapeutic effect analysis of nano-knife ablation combined with gemcitabine in the treatment of locally advanced pancreatic cancer

Yu Cheng1, Guojing Wang1, Tao Yan1, Wei Lyu1, Dinghua Zhou1,()   

  1. 1. Department of Hepatobiliary Surgery, Rocket Force Characteristic Medical Center of PLA, Beijing 100088, China
  • Received:2019-03-21 Published:2019-06-01
  • Corresponding author: Dinghua Zhou
  • About author:
    Corresponding author: Zhou Dinghua, Email:

程宇, 王国经, 闫涛, 吕伟, 周丁华. 纳米刀消融术联合吉西他滨治疗局部进展期胰腺癌的疗效分析[J]. 中华损伤与修复杂志(电子版), 2019, 14(03): 174-181.

Yu Cheng, Guojing Wang, Tao Yan, Wei Lyu, Dinghua Zhou. Therapeutic effect analysis of nano-knife ablation combined with gemcitabine in the treatment of locally advanced pancreatic cancer[J]. Chinese Journal of Injury Repair and Wound Healing(Electronic Edition), 2019, 14(03): 174-181.




回顾性分析2014年1月至2017年9月间解放军火箭军特色医学中心肝胆外科收治的64例LAPC患者临床资料,其中纳米刀消融联合吉西他滨治疗24例(联合组)和单药吉西他滨化疗40例(对照组)。监测2组患者治疗前与治疗后1、3、5、7、14、30 d的血清淀粉酶、肌酸激酶、乳酸脱氢酶水平,观察治疗前及治疗后7、14、30、60、90 d肿瘤标志物CA19-9水平变化趋势;记录2组治疗中出现的相关性并发症情况;CT影像结合实体瘤评价标准对比治疗前与治疗后90 d的肿瘤体积改变;治疗后通过复诊和电话方式随访16个月,经Kaplan-Meier曲线分析2组患者近期生存状况。对数据采用重复测量方差分析、t检验及χ2检验。


治疗前联合组血清淀粉酶[(41.25±20.77) U/L]和对照组[(48.82±18.25) U/L]比较,差异无统计学意义(t=-1.525,P=0.132);治疗后1 d,联合组患者血清淀粉酶[(402.71±254.74) U/L]呈现一过性升高,随后逐渐下降,治疗后14 d[(40.03±18.96) U/L]和治疗后30 d[(35.76±16.02) U/L]分别与治疗前相比,差异均无统计学意义(t=0.213、1.025;P=0.833、0.311);对照组治疗过程中各监测时间点血清淀粉酶水平比较,差异无统计学意义(F=5.793,P=0.058)。联合组与对照组患者治疗过程中,各监测时间点肌酸激酶水平比较,差异均无统计学意义(F=2.330、1.718, P=0.065、0.117);乳酸脱氢酶水平比较,差异均无统计学意义(F=1.240、1.804, P=0.302、0.137)。联合组治疗后7 d患者肿瘤标志物CA19-9水平出现一过性升高,随后呈下降趋势,治疗后90 d [(114.43±40.61) U/mL]与治疗前[(190.81±100.46) U/mL]相比,差异有统计学意义(t=3.453,P=0.002);对照组CA19-9水平于治疗后14 d持续上升,治疗后90 d [(494.57±94.08) U/mL]与治疗前[(212.22±81.34) U/mL]相比,差异有统计学意义(t=-14.358,P<0.05)。联合组所有患者(100.0%)消融术中均出现术区肌肉震颤,2例(8.3%)患者出现一过性血压升高,治疗后3例(12.5%)患者出现轻度胰腺炎体征,未出现出血、穿孔、胰瘘等严重并发症。对照组中12例(30.0%)患者出现消化道不良反应,9例(22.5%)表现为骨髓抑制症状。联合组治疗后90 d肿瘤体积[(14.17±12.65) cm3]小于对照组[(26.93±17.42) cm3],差异有统计学意义(t=-3.123,P=0.003),联合组肿瘤缓解20例(83.3%)明显优于对照组14例(35.0%),差异有统计学意义(χ2=14.072,P<0.05)。随访表明,联合组平均生存时间为(11.3±3.7)个月,对照组为(7.6±3.4)个月,联合组患者生存情况优于对照组,差异有统计学意义(t=8.130,P=0.004)。




To investigate the safety and clinical efficacy of nano-knife ablation combined with gemcitabine in the treatment of locally advanced pancreatic cancer (LAPC).


From January 2014 to September 2017, the clinical data of 64 patients with LAPC admitted to the Department of Hepatobiliary Surgery, Rocket Army Characteristic Medical Center of PLA were retrospectively analyzed. Among them, 24 patients in the nano-knife ablation combined with gemcitabine treatment (combined group) and 40 patients in the single drug gemcitabine chemotherapy (control group). Serum amylase, creatine kinase and lactate dehydrogenase levels were monitored before and 1, 3, 5, 7, 14 and 30 days after treatment in the two groups. To observe the change trend of CA19-9, a tumor marker, before and 7, 14, 30, 60 and 90 days after treatment. Relevant complications in the two groups were recorded. The volume changes of tumors before and 90 days after treatment were compared between CT images and solid tumors evaluation criteria. After treatment, follow-up visits and telephone calls were conducted for 16 months. The short-term survival of the two groups was analyzed by Kaplan-Meier curve. Data were analyzed with repeated measurements of variance analysis, t test and chi-square test.


Before treatment, serum amylase in the combined group [(41.25±20.77) U/L] was compared with the control group [(48.82±18.25) U/L], the difference was not statistically significant (t=-1.525, P=0.132). One day after treatment, the serum amylase in the combined group [(402.71±254.74) U/L] showed a transient increase, and then gradually decreased. There were no statistically significant differences between 14 days after treatment [(40.03±18.96) U/L] and 30 days after treatment [(35.76±16.02) U/L] compared with that before treatment (t=0.213, 1.025; P=0.833, 0.311). There was no significant difference in serum amylase levels of the control group at each monitoring time point (F=5.793, P=0.058). There was no significant difference in creatine kinase level between the two groups at each monitoring time point (F=2.330, 1.718; P=0.065, 0.117), and no significant difference in lactate dehydrogenase level between the two groups (F=1.240, 1.804; P=0.302, 0.137). Seven days after treatment, the level of CA19-9 in the combined group showed a transient increast, and then showd a downward trend, and there was significant difference within 90 days after treatment [(114.43±40.61) U/mL]compared with before treatment [(190.81±100.46) U/mL](t=3.453, P=0.002). The level of CA19-9 in the control group continued to rise 14 days after treatment. The difference was statistically significant within 90 days after treatment [(494.57±94.08) U/mL] compared with before treatment [(212.22±81.34) U/mL](t=-14.358, P<0.05). All patients (100.0%) during the ablation surgery in the combined group had muscle tremor in the operation area, 2 patients (8.3%) had transient blood pressure rise, 3 patients (12.5%) had mild signs of pancreatitis after operation, and no severe complications such as hemorrhage, perforation and pancreatic fistula occurred. In the control group, 12 patients (30.0%) had gastrointestinal adverse reactions, and 9 patients (22.5%) had bone marrow suppression symptoms. The tumor volume of the combined group [(14.17±12.65) cm3] was smaller than that of the control group [(26.93±17.42) cm3] at the time of 90 days after treatment, and the difference was statistically significant (t=-3.123, P=0.003). Twenty cases (83.3%) in the combined group were significantly better than 14 cases (35.0%) in the control group (χ2= 14.072, P<0.05). The follow-up showed that the average survival time of the combined group was (11.3±3.7) months and that of the control group was (7.6±3.4) months. The survival of the combined group was better than that of the control group, the difference was statistically significant (t=8.130, P=0.004).


Nano-knife ablation combined with gemcitabine chemotherapy can effectively control the local progress of pancreatic cancer and prolong survival time, which is worthy of clinical promotion.

表1 2组LAPC患者一般临床资料比较
图1 纳米刀治疗仪
图2 纳米刀肿瘤消融术中情况。A示电极针组插植于胰腺肿瘤周围(蓝色为主针,接入高压脉冲发生装置正极;白色为副针,接入负极;针体下端蓝色板为固定装置,确保相邻两针间距为2 cm且互相平行);B示治疗计划系统中显示的消融过程电压及电流变化
表2 2组LAPC患者不同监测时间点生化指标水平比较(U/L, ±s)
表3 2组LAPC患者不同监测时间点CA19-9水平比较(U/mL, ±s)
表4 2组LAPC患者治疗前、治疗后90 d肿瘤体积改变(cm3, ±s)
图3 联合组LAPC患者治疗前、治疗后不同监测时间点腹部平扫+增强CT影像学检查结果。A、B示患者治疗前腹部肿瘤同一层面影像检查,胰腺周围肿块形成,表现为低密度、乏血供征象;C、D示治疗后30 d影像结果,可见清晰消融边界,血管保留完好;E、F示治疗后90 d影像结果,肿瘤体积较治疗前缩小,消融区自身组织修复再生;A、C、E示增强图像;B、D、F示平扫图像;图中箭头所示为肿瘤病灶所在;LAPC为局部进展期胰腺癌
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