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中华损伤与修复杂志(电子版) ›› 2022, Vol. 17 ›› Issue (01) : 40 -46. doi: 10.3877/cma.j.issn.1673-9450.2022.01.007


周望高1, 余少校1, 曾锦浩1, 李征1, 旷玲玉1, 叶学浪1, 林慧鑫1, 李东扬1, 张振伟1,()   
  1. 1. 518104 深圳市中西医结合医院骨伤科
  • 收稿日期:2021-11-02 出版日期:2022-02-01
  • 通信作者: 张振伟

Clinical effect of autologous joint transplantation in the repair of traumatic metacarpophalangeal joint defect

Wanggao Zhou1, Shaoxiao Yu1, Jinhao Zeng1, Zheng Li1, Lingyu Kuang1, Xuelang Ye1, Huixin Lin1, Dongyang Li1, Zhenwei Zhang1,()   

  1. 1. Department of Orthopedics and Traumatology, Shenzhen Integrated Traditional Chinese and Western Medicine Hospital, Shenzhen 518104, China
  • Received:2021-11-02 Published:2022-02-01
  • Corresponding author: Zhenwei Zhang

周望高, 余少校, 曾锦浩, 李征, 旷玲玉, 叶学浪, 林慧鑫, 李东扬, 张振伟. 自体关节移植修复外伤性掌指关节缺损伤的临床效果分析[J]. 中华损伤与修复杂志(电子版), 2022, 17(01): 40-46.

Wanggao Zhou, Shaoxiao Yu, Jinhao Zeng, Zheng Li, Lingyu Kuang, Xuelang Ye, Huixin Lin, Dongyang Li, Zhenwei Zhang. Clinical effect of autologous joint transplantation in the repair of traumatic metacarpophalangeal joint defect[J]. Chinese Journal of Injury Repair and Wound Healing(Electronic Edition), 2022, 17(01): 40-46.










To investigate the clinical effect of autologous joint transplantation in the repair of traumatic metacarpophalangeal joint defect.


From June 2007 to January 2020, 15 patients with traumatic metacarpophalangeal joint defect treated in the Department of Orthopedics and Traumatology of Shenzhen Integrated Traditional Chinese and Western Medicine Hospital were selected. Before the operation, the patient were completed various routine examinations, and performed direct digital X-ray photography system inspections of the affected hand and joint transplantation, improved the patient′s overall nutritional status and corrected the hypoproteinemia and anemia. Smoking was strictly prohibited during the perioperative period, and bed-sized and urinary training was performed before the operation; wound secretion culture was performed to eliminate wound infection in patients in the sub-emergency period; the joint to be transplanted was extended to a suitable joint transplantation space with an extension stent before the second-stage operation. During the operation, debridement of the affected area was carried out, hemostasis was performed, injury of the digital blood vessels and nerve of the extensor tendon of the bone joint and skin defect of the joint were investigated, and the length of the defect of the bone joint was measured. According to the injury situation of the patients, three methods were used to repair the injury: free transplantation of the second metatarsophalangeal joint, metacarpophalangeal joint transplantation of the abandoned finger and half joint transplantation of the metacarpophalangeal joint. After the operation, the patient stayed in bed absolutely for 1 week, absolutely non-smoking, and kept warm with heat preservation lamp; the patient was treated with anti-infection, anti-vasospasm, anti-coagulation, and systemic support. The stitches were removed 2 weeks after the operation, and rehabilitation training was gradually carried out. The X-ray was taken to check the bone healing on a regular basis, and the Kirschner wire was removed after the bone was healed. The blood flow of grafted joints and carried flaps and affected finger was observed 1 week after operation, and observed whether there was vascular crisis; the wound healing was observed 2 weeks after surgery; the bone healing condition of transplanted joint was observed 12 weeks after operation. The postoperative outpatient follow-up was 6 to 24 months to observe the recovery of the patient′s hand function.


All 15 cases of metacarpophalangeal joint defects were well repaired, the transplanted joints and skin flaps survived well, the blood supply of the repaired fingers was good and no vascular crisis occurred in the flaps and affected fingers, all wounds healed in grade A. The average postoperative follow-up was (14.5±4.6) months. There was continuous callus passing through the bone junction of the transplanted joint, bone healed, and there was no local tenderness, no longitudinal percussion pain, and no abnormal movement. The range of motion of the transplanted metacarpophalangeal joint: dorsal extension 0 to 10°, flexion 60° to 90° (average 75°). In the evaluation of hand function recovery, 10 cases were excellent and 5 cases were good, the excellent and good rate was 100%.


Autogenous joint transplantation for the repair of traumatic metacarpophalangeal joint injury can well restore the metacarpophalangeal joint function of the affected finger, preserve the integrity of the affected finger, and have a satisfactory effect.

图1 应用左第2跖趾关节移植修复右第1掌指关节缺损。A示患者右第1掌指关节缺损,右示、中指缺如,创面已愈合;B示行右拇指外支架延长治疗;C示术前X线片示右第1掌指关节缺损,右示、中指缺如;D示设计带皮瓣的左足第2跖趾关节游离移植;E示术后1周右手移植的跖趾关节及携带的皮瓣成活良好,右拇指血运良好,皮瓣及右拇指未发生血管危象;F示术后1周X线片示右第1掌指关节对合良好,右拇指近节、第1掌骨骨接合端对位对线良好;G示术后10个月门诊随访,右第1掌指关节屈曲70°;H示术后10个月门诊随访右第1掌指关节背伸10°;I示术后10个月门诊随访,X线片示右第1掌指关节对合良好,右拇指近节、第1掌骨骨接合端有连续性骨痂通过,已骨性愈合
图2 应用废弃的左第5掌指关节移植修复左第4掌指关节缺损。A示患者左第4掌指关节缺损,左小指近节离断并部分组织缺损,左第3掌骨骨折,左环指双侧指固有动脉、固有神经、深浅屈肌腱断裂;B示术前X线片示左第4掌指关节骨折并骨缺损、第3掌骨骨折、左小指近节骨折并骨质缺损;C示术后1周左手移植的掌指关节及携带的皮瓣成活良好,左环指血运良好,皮瓣及左环指均未发生血管危象;D示术后1周X线片示左第4掌指关节对合良好,各骨折端对位、对线良好,左第5掌骨及左小指缺如;E示术后12个月门诊随访,左第4掌指关节屈曲90°;F示术后12个月门诊随访,左第4掌指关节背伸0;G示术后12个月门诊随访,X线片示左第4掌指关节对合良好,左第3、4掌骨及左环指近节骨接合端有连续性骨痂通过,已骨性愈合
图3 应用右第4腕掌关节远端半关节移植修复右第4掌指关节半关节缺损。A示患者入院时右第4掌骨中远端粉碎性骨折并骨缺损,第4掌指关节半关节缺损,右手背部分皮肤软组织缺损,右桡骨远端、第5掌骨骨折;B示入院时X线片示右第4掌骨中远端粉碎性骨折并骨缺损、右桡骨远端骨折、第5掌骨骨折;C示术中将第4掌骨近端关节移位至远端重建第4掌指关节;D示术中切取右上臂外侧骨皮瓣移植修复掌骨和皮肤软组织缺损;E示右手皮瓣修复通血后即刻血运良好;F示术后1周X线片示右第4掌指关节对合良好,第4掌骨重建良好;G示术后12个月门诊随访,右第4掌指关节屈曲80°;H示术后12个月门诊随访,右第4掌指关节背伸0;I示术后12个月门诊随访,右手X线片示右第4掌指关节对合良好,右桡骨远端,第4、5掌骨骨接合端有连续性骨痂通过,已骨性愈合
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