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中华损伤与修复杂志(电子版) ›› 2025, Vol. 20 ›› Issue (01) : 13 -21. doi: 10.3877/cma.j.issn.1673-9450.2025.01.003


张祖强1,2, 李圳2, 刘勇1, 王振龙1,()   
  1. 1.646000 泸州,西南医科大学附属中医医院骨伤科
    2.644400 宜宾,兴文县人民医院骨科
  • 收稿日期:2024-04-10 出版日期:2025-02-01
  • 通信作者: 王振龙

Clinical efficacy of double reverse traction external fixation frame combined with intramedullary nailing in the treatment of multiple tibial fractures and analyzation of influencing factors on healing

Zuqiang Zhang1,2, Zhen Li2, Yong Liu1, Zhenlong Wang1,()   

  1. 1.Department of Orthopedics and Traumatology,Affiliated Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Southwest Medical University, Luzhou 646000, China
    2.Department of Orthopedics, Xingwen County People′s Hospital, Yibin 644400, China
  • Received:2024-04-10 Published:2025-02-01
  • Corresponding author: Zhenlong Wang

张祖强, 李圳, 刘勇, 王振龙. 双反牵引外固定架结合髓内钉治疗胫骨多段骨折的临床疗效及骨折愈合的影响因素分析[J/OL]. 中华损伤与修复杂志(电子版), 2025, 20(01): 13-21.

Zuqiang Zhang, Zhen Li, Yong Liu, Zhenlong Wang. Clinical efficacy of double reverse traction external fixation frame combined with intramedullary nailing in the treatment of multiple tibial fractures and analyzation of influencing factors on healing[J/OL]. Chinese Journal of Injury Repair and Wound Healing(Electronic Edition), 2025, 20(01): 13-21.






双反牵引器结合髓内钉组手术时间[(64.29±17.46)min]、术中出血量[(41.99±6.21)ml]、骨折端切开率(16.36%)、骨折愈合时间[(21.82±5.76)周]、下床行走时间[(4.24±1.29)周]均低于传统加压钢板结合髓内钉组[(89.71±23.58)min、(56.69±12.00)ml、45.45%、(30.87±7.77)周、(6.36±1.75)周],且差异均有统计学意义(t/χ2=5.247、6.966、10.890、6.942、7.236, P<0.05)。术后3个月骨折愈合率高于传统加压钢板结合髓内钉组(85.45% vs 67.27%)(χ2=5.037,P<0.05)。重复测量方差分析结果显示,两组取外固定时、末次随访Kofoed评分均较术前均升高(P<0.05),且双反牵引器结合髓内钉组取外固定时、末次随访Kofoed评分[(83.59±5.14)分、(94.67±5.53)分]均大于传统加压钢板结合髓内钉组[(79.54±5.21)分、(88.39±5.42)分](t=3.191、4.651,P<0.05)。两组末次随访踝关节活动范围与膝关节活动范围均大于取外固定时(P<0.05),且双反牵引器结合髓内钉组患者取外固定时、末次随访踝关节活动范围与膝关节活动范围[(50.30±4.51)°、(100.81±11.96)°]均大于传统加压钢板结合髓内钉组[(37.21±4.66)°、(82.72±8.96)°](t=11.678、6.660,P<0.05)。按照患者术后骨折愈合情况分为愈合组和未愈组。Logistic回归分析显示,年龄≥60岁、高能量骨折、受伤至治疗时间≥6 h、二期修复为骨折愈合危险因素,白蛋白水平为骨折愈合保护因素(OR=9.369、4.961、6.825、10.000、0.830,P<0.05)。


双反牵引器结合髓内钉治疗胫骨多段骨折具有较好临床效果,可有效改善踝关节功能与关节活动度,促进术后骨折愈合;年龄≥60岁、高能量骨折、受伤至治疗时间≥6 h、二期修复软组织修复、白蛋白水平为骨折愈合相关因素,临床针对上述因素需加强重视。


To investigate the clinical efficacy and influencing factors of double reverse traction external fixation frame combined with intramedullary nailing in the treatment of multiple tibial fractures.


The clinical data of 110 patients with multiple tibia fractures who were admitted to the Department of Orthopedics and Traumatology in Affiliated Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine of Southwest Medical University from February 2021 to December 2022 were selected, and they were divided into 55 cases of the double-reverse retractor combined with intramedullary nailing group and 55 cases of the traditional compression plate combined with intramedullary nailing group according to the different treatment modalities, and the differences in the surgery-related indexes, ankle function (Kofoed score), joint mobility and fracture healing rate at 3 months after surgery and the factors influencing the prognosis of the fracture were analyzed.


The operation time[(64.29±17.46) min], intraoperative bleeding[ (41.99±6.21) ml], fracture end dissection rate (16.36%), fracture healing time[(21.82±5.76) weeks], and time to get out of bed [ (4.24±1.29) weeks]were lower in the double retractor combined with intramedullary nailing group than in the traditional compression plate combined with intramedullary nailing group [(89.71±23.58) min, (56.69±12.00) ml, 45.45%, (30.87±7.77) weeks, (6.36±1.75)weeks](t/χ2=5.247, 6.966, 10.890, 6.942, 7.236, P<0.05), and the fracture healing rate was higher than that of the traditional compression plate combined with intramedullary nailing group at 3 months postoperatively (85.45% vs 67.27%)(χ2=5.037, P<0.05). Repeated-measures ANOVA showed that the Kofoed scores of both groups at the time of external fixation and at the last follow-up were higher than those of the preoperative period (P<0.05), and the Kofoed scores at the time of external fixation and at the last follow-up were higher in the double-reverse retractor combined with intramedullary nailing group [(83.59±5.14)points and (94.67±5.53)points]than those in the conventional compression plate combined with intramedullary nailing group [(79.54 ±5.21) points, (88.39±5.42) points](t=3.191, 4.651, P<0.05). The ankle joint range of motion and knee joint range of motion at the last follow-up were higher than those at external fixation in both groups (P<0.05), and the ankle joint range of motion and knee joint range of motion at external fixation and at the last follow-up in the patients in the double-reverse retractor combined with intramedullary nailing group [(50.30±4.51)°, (100.81±11.96)°]were higher than those in the traditional compression plate combined with intramedullary nail group [(37.21 ±4.66)°, (82.72±8.96)°](t=11.678,6.660, P<0.05). Patients were categorized into healed and non-healed groups according to their postoperative fracture healing status. Logistic regression analysis showed that age (≥60 years), cause of fracture (high energy), time from injury to treatment (≥6 h), and timing of soft tissue repair (second stage repair) were risk factors for fracture healing, and albumin level was a protective factor for fracture healing (OR=9.369, 4.961, 6.825, 10.000, 0.830, P<0.05).


The combination of dual reverse traction device and temporary external fixator for the treatment of multiple tibial fractures has a good clinical effect, which can effectively improve ankle joint function and joint mobility, promote postoperative fracture healing. ≥60 years old, high energy fracture, time from injury to treatment ≥6 hours, secondary soft tissue repair, and albumin level are factors related to fracture healing. Clinical attention should be paid to these factors.

表1 两组患者一般资料比较[例(%)]
表2 两组患者手术相关指标比较
表3 两组患者Kofoed评分比较(分,±s
表4 两组患者术后关节活动度比较(°,±s
表5 胫骨多段骨折骨折愈合的单因素分析
项目 愈合组(n=84) 未愈组(n=26) t/χ2 P
<60岁 58(69.05) 5(19.23) 20.135 <0.001
≥60岁 26(30.95) 21(80.77)
54(64.29) 16(61.54) 0.065 0.799
30(35.71) 10(38.46)
<24 kg/m2 43(51.19) 11(42.31) 0.627 0.429
≥24 kg/m2 41(48.81) 15(57.69)
低能量 33(39.29) 3(11.54) 6.943 0.008
高能量 51(60.71) 23(88.46)
56(66.67) 19(73.08) 0.376 0.54
28(33.33) 7(26.92)
55(65.48) 16(61.54) 0.135 0.714
29(34.52) 10(38.46)
<6 h 52(61.9) 5(19.23) 14.482 <0.001
≥6 h 32(38.1) 21(80.77)
一期修复 63(75.00) 6(23.08) 22.895 <0.001
二期修复 21(25.00) 20(76.92)
36(42.86) 11(42.31) 0.002 0.961
48(57.14) 15(57.69)
24(28.57) 9(34.62) 0.345 0.557
60(71.43) 17(65.38)
23(27.38) 8(30.77) 0.113 0.737
61(72.62) 18(69.23)
AST(U/L,x¯±s 23.2±1.24 22.73±1.37 1.488 0.141
ALT(U/L,x¯±s 12.64±0.86 12.55±1.03 0.398 0.692
BUN(mmol/L,x¯±s 5.34±0.81 5.36±0.68 0.106 0.916
TBil(μmol/L,x¯±s 42.86±4.53 42.59±4.67 0.24 0.811
Cr(μmol/L,x¯±s 58.69±6.72 58.74±6.64 0.03 0.976
白蛋白水平(g/L,x¯±s 40.01±6.78 32.25±4.62 5.138 <0.001
表6 骨折愈合影响因素Logistic回归赋值情况
表7 骨折愈合影响因素Logistic回归分析
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