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  • 1.
    Chinese Journal of Injury Repair and Wound Healing(Electronic Edition) 2024, 19 (02): 165-167. DOI: 10.3877/cma.j.issn.1673-9450.2024.02.012
    Abstract (361) HTML (0) PDF (1748 KB) (4)

    患者男,35岁,因"右膝活动受限10余年,加重伴疼痛4年"入院。乙(B)型血友病,左踝部屈曲畸形30余年,跛行。静脉血栓栓塞症(venous thromboembolism,VTE)Caprini评分:5分(高危)。查体:左膝部活动度15 °~100 °;右膝部活动度0 °~90 °;双下肢过伸及过屈试验(+);左足踝活动受限,处于跖屈僵直位,不能伸直,无触痛;皮肤散在红色斑点,无麻木,无肿胀,无压痛、放射痛。双下肢远端血运正常。患者膝关节及踝关节严重畸形,手术指征明确。入院后完善相关检查。化验结果显示:凝血酶原时间12 s,凝血酶原活动度83.9%,凝血酶原比率1.00,国际标准化比值1.00,活化部分凝血活酶时间109.6 s,活化部分凝血活酶比率4.14,凝血酶时间17.60 s,凝血酶比率0.98,纤维蛋白原2.61 g/L,D-二聚体0.64 mg/L,纤维蛋白(原)降解产物2.50 mg/L,C反应蛋白3.85 mg/L,血沉7 mm/h。查Ⅸ因子抑制物定性为阴性,Ⅸ因子水平为1.8%。影像学检查示:双膝血友病性膝关节炎(左侧重)(图1)。根据实验室分析结果制定围术期凝血因子替代方案:术前1 h静脉滴注7500 IU人凝血酶原复合物,术后1~3 d静脉滴注2100 IU凝血酶原复合物。术前查Ⅸ因子水平为100%,在全身麻醉下行右膝关节置换术(4级)+左踝关节融合术(3级)+左跟腱延长术(2级),手术顺利,患者安返病房。术后第2天复查影像示右膝关节置换术后状态(图2)。查Ⅸ因子水平为72%。患者术后第3天出现咳嗽症状,痰中带血丝,查Ⅸ因子水平为61%,请呼吸科会诊,呼吸科诊断为肺炎并咯血,建议继续给予止血药物和抗感染治疗,治疗效果可。患者术后2周,咳嗽咳血症状用药后并未明显好转,查Ⅸ因子抗体水平为34.1%,遂请呼吸科会诊,怀疑肺炎转入呼吸科进行治疗。患者转入后查化验结果示凝血酶原时间12.70 s,活化部分凝血活酶时间48.30 s,活化部分凝血酶比率1.82 s,纤维蛋白原4.42 g/L,D-二聚体43.09 mg/L,纤维蛋白降解产物109.56 mg/L。患者夜间下床时突发胸闷、憋喘、伴大汗淋漓,心电监护示血氧饱和度为83%,遂给予鼻导管吸氧并急查血细胞分析、凝血常规、心梗三联、电解质、B型尿钠肽测定、床旁心电图、床旁心脏超声。床旁心电超声示LVEF:64%,肺动脉压为42 mmHg。化验结果示:凝血酶原时间12.60 s,活化部分凝血酶原时间50.20 s,活化部分凝血活酶比率1.87,纤维蛋白原3.75 g/L,D-二聚体95.32 mg/L,纤维蛋白降解产物246.67 mg/L,其余化验结果均未见明显异常。血氧饱和度升至88%后改为经鼻高氧流量氧疗(吸氧浓度为70%,流量为40 L/min),血氧饱和度升至95%,血压112/83 mmHg,给予葡萄糖氯化钠250 ml静脉滴注后,患者较前明显好转,生命体征平稳,高流量吸氧仍处于憋喘状态,咳嗽、咳痰,无咳血。查超声示右下肢深静脉血栓形成(图3~7)。急请血液内科、血管外科会诊,怀疑肺栓塞,建议行下腔静脉滤器置入术,预防血栓脱落导致致死性肺栓塞,遂转至血管外科治疗,诊断为"肺栓塞、右下肢深静脉血栓形成"。在介入科局麻下行下腔静脉滤器植入术+肺动脉插管溶栓术(即刻溶栓)。术中分别行双侧肺动脉造影示:右肺动脉显影良好(图8A),左肺动脉主干及其分支内可见明显充盈缺损(图8B),考虑肺栓塞。注入30万U尿激酶。术后给予利伐沙班、尿激酶等抗凝、溶栓、祛聚药物治疗,患者症状较前改善。术后查化验结果示:凝血酶原时间14.40 s,凝血酶原活动度65.00%,凝血酶原比率1.20,国际标准化比值1.23,活化部分凝血活酶时间55.40 s,活化部分凝血活酶比率2.09,D-二聚体20.91 mg/L,纤维蛋白降解产物39.58 mg/L。指标较前明显好转,患者病情稳定,继续给予消炎、止咳等对症支持治疗,患者咳嗽、咳痰较前明显减轻,未诉有明显胸闷、气短,要求出院,嘱出院后继续应用凝血因子3000 U,每周3次静滴。

  • 2.
    Expert consensus on fluid resuscitation of early pediatric burn shock (version 2023)
    Pediatric Burn Study Group, Burn Surgery Branch of Chinese Medical Association
    Chinese Journal of Injury Repair and Wound Healing(Electronic Edition) 2023, 18 (05): 371-376. DOI: 10.3877/cma.j.issn.1673-9450.2023.05.002
    Abstract (195) HTML (3) PDF (5507 KB) (25)

    Shock is a major complication in the early stage of burn injuries and one of the main causes of poor prognosis. The response to burn injuries in children differs significantly from adults, and they are more prone to develop shock. Timely and effective correction of shock is crucial for burn treatment. After reviewing relevant literature, selecting and analyzing studies with high-level evidence, and conducting in-depth discussions, the expert group has reached a consensus on fluid resuscitation of early pediatric burn shock, covering clinical manifestations, diagnosis, treatment, and monitoring. The consensus aims to provide reference standards for clinical treatment.

  • 3.
    Research progress of different factors regulating macrophage polarization in chronic refractory wound
    Peng Wang, Houan Xiao, Chiyu Jia
    Chinese Journal of Injury Repair and Wound Healing(Electronic Edition) 2023, 18 (05): 454-459. DOI: 10.3877/cma.j.issn.1673-9450.2023.05.017
    Abstract (161) HTML (0) PDF (6004 KB) (3)

    Macrophage polarization plays an important role during the stages of wound healing, in terms of the inflammation, the proliferation as well as tissue remodeling. As macrophages have strong plasticity and the factors affecting the macrophages polarization are relatively complex, meanwhile, factors that positively regulate polarization to promote wound healing and factors that negatively regulate polarization or abnormal polarization to inhibit wound healing exist in the body simultaneously. Therefore, for studying the pathological mechanism of wound healing, it is important to understand and summarize the effect of different factors regulating macrophage polarization in chronic refractory wounds. Recent studies have shown that factors affecting the healing process of chronic refractory wounds include different colonization sites of macrophages, differences in inflammatory microenvironment, synergistic effect of stem cells, infection of pathogenic microorganisms, application of cellular biomaterials, macrophage autophagy and lipid metabolism disorders of macrophages, which are involved in regulating the polarization and metastasis of macrophages. Therefore, this article summarizes the mechanism of different factors regulating macrophage polarization in the process of chronic refractory wound healing, in order to provide ideas for the follow-up study of chronic refractory wounds.

  • 4.
    Observation of effect on xenotransplantation using cryopreserved GGTA1/β4GalNT2 double-gene knockout inbred line Wuzhishan miniature pig skin
    Feng Li, Junyou Li, Shutang Feng, Guoping Li, Yifan Dai
    Chinese Journal of Injury Repair and Wound Healing(Electronic Edition) 2024, 19 (01): 61-67. DOI: 10.3877/cma.j.issn.1673-9450.2024.01.012
    Abstract (106) HTML (0) PDF (14231 KB) (4)

    To observe the effect of xenotransplantation of GGTA1/β4GalNT2 double-gene knockout inbred line Wuzhishan miniature pig skin preserved in liquid nitrogen.


    Cryopreserved double-gene knockout pig split skin and commercially gene transfected pig skin were used. The double-gene knockout pig skin was preserved by vitrification method, and the skin was thawed when used for xenotransplantation. The receptor were rhesus monkey, which were divided into experimental group and control group, with 4 animals in each group, and four pieces of 4 cm×4 cm skin were removed on each monkey′s back, forming a full-thickness skin excision model. Cryopreserved double-gene knockout pig skin and gene transfected pigs kin were transplanted respectively. The survival of the skin was observed at different time points after the operation, and the vitality of the skin was evaluated by color, texture, etc. And samples were taken for pathological examination. Serum was taken before operation and on the 4th, 7th, 10th, 14th and 21st days after operation to detect IL-2, IL-4, IFN-γ, and IL-12 content.


    The survival time of pig skin in the experimental group was [10-21(14.5±3.4)d], significantly longer than [7-14(10.6±2.7)d] in the control group (t=3.272, P=0.004). The skin grafts of both groups survived well on the 4th day after operation. On the 7th day after operation, there were small blisters on 2 skin grafts in the experimental group, and big blisters on 6 skin grafts in the control group. On the 10th day after operation, 5 skin grafts in the experimental group were completely torn off, 6 and 4 skin grafts were still warm and soft in the experimental and control group respectively. On the 12th day after operation, 3 and 1 skin grafts in the experimental group and the control group were still warm and soft. On the 14th day after operation, one skin graft in the experimental group remained warm and soft, while all skin grafts lost viablity in the control group. Pathological observation showed that the histological morphology of the skin grafts in both groups were normal on the 4th day after operation. On the 7th day after operation, the structure of skin epidermal cells in the experimental group was complete, while the number of epidermal cells in the control group was reduced. In a part of the skin grafts in both groups, engraft could be seen between the skin and wound bed. On the 10th day after operation, the number of epidermal cells in the experimental group decreased, and the interface between epidermis and dermis was partially separated, while the number of epidermal cells in the control group was further reduced compared with before, and the phenomenon of engraft still existed. On the 14th day after operation, the number of epidermal cells was significantly reduced and the phenomenon of engraft still existed in the experimental group. While infiltration of inflammatory cells in the wound bed could be seen in the control group. Serum IL-2 and IL-4 levels on the 10th day after operation, serum IFN-γ before operation and on the 4th day after operation, and the IFN-γ/IL-4 on the 14th day after operation in the experimental group were higher than those in the control group.


    Cryopreserved GGTA1/β4GalNT2 double-gene knockout inbred line Wuzhishan miniature pig skin survives well after transplantation, and can obtain a relatively long survival time.

  • 5.
    Effects of hot and humid environments exposure on recovery of mice subjected to severe radiation injury combined with skin-wound trauma
    Guojian Wang, Yulong Tan, Shuang Long, Xiaofan Lv, Na Zhao, Xinze Ran, Junping Wang, Tao Wang
    Chinese Journal of Injury Repair and Wound Healing(Electronic Edition) 2023, 18 (04): 285-292. DOI: 10.3877/cma.j.issn.1673-9450.2023.04.003
    Abstract (100) HTML (0) PDF (7268 KB) (10)

    To investigate the effects of hot and humid environments (HHE) exposure with different time on the recovery of mice suffered from radiation injury combined with skin-wound trauma (R-W-CI) by evaluating survival rate, hematopoietic injury recovery and cutaneous wound healing.


    The parameters of the HHE simulation experiment module were set as 36 ℃±0.5 ℃ in temperature and 70%±5% in relative humidity, which were confirmed by detecting rectal temperature after mice were put in the module. The animal model of severe hematopoietic acute radiation sickness was established by mice with 6.0 Gy 60Co γ-rays whole body irradiation. The animal model of severe R-W-CI was established with mice exposed to 60Co γ-rays (6.0 Gy) followed by a 2.0% total-body-surface-area wounds within 1 h after irradiation. Mice from both models were set into HHE for 1 h before irradiation and transferred to one portable HHE simulation chamber during transportation and irradiation. The injured mice were continued to be put into HHE module for another 1.0 h or 7.0 h followed by maintaining conventional ambient temperature and humidity conditions. For hematopoietic acute radiation sickness model, the mice were divided into four groups: normal control (NC group), radiation injury (R group), radiation injury exposed to HHE for 1.0 h(R+ HHE1.0 h group), radiation injury exposed to HHE for 7.0 h(R+ HHE7.0 h group). Indexes including rectal temperature, survival rate, body weight and complete blood count were measured to estimate the effects of different HHE exposure time on the recovery of radiation injury. For R-W-CI model, routine fluid supplement and wound bandaging or levofloxacin (LEV) were implemented as routine supportive treatments. The mice were divided into seven groups: normal control(NC group), combined radiation-trauma injury (R-W-CI group), combined radiation-trauma injury treated with levofloxacin (R-W-CI+ LEV group), combined radiation-trauma injury exposed to HHE for 1.0 h(R-W-CI+ HHE 1.0 h group), combined radiation-trauma injury exposed to HHE for 7.0 h(R-W-CI+ HHE 7.0 h group), combined radiation-trauma injury exposed to HHE for 1.0 h and treated with levofloxacin (R-W-CI+ HHE 1.0 h+ LEV group), combined radiation-trauma injury exposed to HHE for 7.0 h and treated with levofloxacin (R-W-CI+ HHE 7.0 h+ LEV group). The HHE exposure effects on mice suffered from R-W-CI were evaluated by detecting survival rate, body weight, complete blood count and wound healing. In addition, the effects of antibacterial therapy with LEV in R-W-CI models were also evaluated.


    The simulation experiment module conducted the HHE with well effects, confirmed by significant increased rectal temperature of mice after put into the module. In model of severe hematopoietic acute radiation sickness, HHE exposure for 1.0 h and 7.0 h impacted body weight recovery but had no effect on survival rate. For R-W-CI model, in the absence of LEV treatment, survival rate in R-W-CI+ HHE 1.0 h group was significantly higher than that in R-W-CI group (χ2=5.496, P=0.019). LEV treatment could significantly increase the survival rate in both R-W-CI+ LEV group and R-W-CI+ HHE 1.0 h+ LEV group, but not in R-W-CI+ HHE 7.0 h+ LEV group. 28 days after injury, the recovery of white blood cells in R-W-CI+ HHE 1.0 h+ LEV group was significantly better than that in R-W-CI+ LEV group (F=6.549, P=0.021) and R-W-CI+ HHE 7.0 h+ LEV group (F=11.901, P=0.05). The wound healing in R-W-CI+ HHE 7.0 h+ LEV group was significantly delayed, while the wound healing in R-W-CI+ HHE 1.0 h+ LEV group was significantly accelerated.


    Long-term (7.0 h) exposure to HHE after R-W-CI was detrimental, while short-term (1.0 h) exposure to HHE was beneficial to recovery of severe R-W-CI. The antibiotic therapy is important supportive treatment for R-W-CI exposed to HHE.

  • 6.
    Study on wound management and trauma healing of radiation combined injuries in China
    Xinze Ran, Junping Wang, Tao Wang, Fengchao Wang, Tianmin Cheng
    Chinese Journal of Injury Repair and Wound Healing(Electronic Edition) 2023, 18 (04): 280-284. DOI: 10.3877/cma.j.issn.1673-9450.2023.04.002
    Abstract (74) HTML (0) PDF (5261 KB) (5)

    Radiation combined injuries (RCI) are common in situations such as nuclear explosions in wartime, nuclear accidents in peacetime, depleted uranium bomb injuries in battlefield, secondary nuclear injuries, and nuclear terrorist attacks. RCI show more severe in trauma conditions and more complicated in injury category, which are hard for treatment and become one of the clinical difficulties. Combined effects are the primary features of combined injuries, which make RCI different from single type injury. Thus, RCI are different from simple acute radiation sickness because of the traumas like skin wounds and burns, and vice versa. So the therapy for RCI would be more difficult than that of single type injury for the more contradictories during RCI treatment. Therefore, it is necessary to fully draw on the research achievements of single type injury and apply them to research combined injuries in a timely and dynamic manner. Based on previous experimental research results, this paper focuses on summarizing the experience, methods, and management principles of wound management in radiation injury combined burns or wounds, as well as the mechanism of delayed trauma healing and measurements for promoting repair. It aims to provide technical reserves for the management of such nuclear and radiation emergencies.

  • 7.
    Effect of pH dependent film-forming liquid dressing on wound healing in rats
    Kaisi Zhu, Jian Jin, Yukun Yang
    Chinese Journal of Injury Repair and Wound Healing(Electronic Edition) 2023, 18 (05): 413-418. DOI: 10.3877/cma.j.issn.1673-9450.2023.05.009
    Abstract (67) HTML (1) PDF (6409 KB) (4)

    To modify the existing liquid dressing with pH dependence, verify its effectiveness through animal experiments.


    Measured the pH of normal skin, clean wounds, and infected wounds as the theoretical basis for pH dependent film formation. On the basis of existing commercialized liquid dressings, a new type of pH dependent film-forming liquid dressing was prepared by adding different concentrations of carbopol. The moldability was tested in vitro under different pH conditions. Based on the pH of the wound, a carbopol concentration that could form a film on the wound but couldn′t form a film on normal skin was selected to prepare a pH dependent film-forming liquid dressing. Detectd the biocompatibility (cytotoxicity, sensitization, intradermal stimulation) and physical barrier effect (moisturizing properties, antibacterial properties) of the liquid dressing. The effectiveness of the liquid dressing in vivo was detected though the full thickness skin defect wound model in SD rats.


    The pH of normal skin was 5.90±0.25, which was significantly lower than 6.54±0.36 of clean wounds and 7.54±0.35 of infected wounds (t=-3.32, P=0.011; t=8.61, P<0.001). The pH of clean wounds was also significantly lower than that of infected wounds (t=-4.44, P=0.002). Configured agar plates with pH values of 6, 7, and 8, applied liquid dressings. Complete film formation could be achieved at pH values of 7 and 8, but sheet-like film couldn′t be formed at pH values of 6. The cytotoxicity of the liquid dressings was level 1, with no potential cytotoxicity. No sensitization and irritation during intradermal implantation was found in the liquid dressings. Adjusted the pH of the liquid dressing to 6, 7, and 8. When the pH was 6, it didn′t have moisturizing and antibacterial properties. When the pH was 7 and 8, the moisture retaining rate was (4.76±2.04)% and (7.58±1.62)%, respectively, and the antibacterial rate was (33.17±5.59)% and (45.36±7.57)%, respectively. Animal experiments showed that compared to liquid dressings without film forming properties, the wound healing rate on the 10th day after modeling significantly increased[(69.02±3.39)% vs (75.34±3.64)%, t=2.84, P=0.022], and the wound healing time significantly reducted [(23.60±0.89)d vs (20.40±2.61)d, t=2.60, P=0.032] .


    By adjusting the concentration of carbopol, pH dependent film-forming liquid dressings can be made, which form a film on the wound surface without affecting normal skin, promote wound healing, and improve comfort level.

  • 8.
    Advances in the treatment of radiation-induced skin injury
    Linian Han, Jun Wang
    Chinese Journal of Injury Repair and Wound Healing(Electronic Edition) 2023, 18 (06): 533-537. DOI: 10.3877/cma.j.issn.1673-9450.2023.06.015
    Abstract (58) HTML (1) PDF (4384 KB) (1)

    Radiotherapy has become an integral part of the treatment regimen for malignant tumors, more than 70% patients with malignant tumors require radiotherapy. Although radiotherapy can effectively treat tumors, collateral damage to the healthy tissues surrounding the tumor will not only delay the progress of tumor treatment, but also seriously affect the life quality of patients. Radiation-induced skin injury (RSI) is the most common complication of radiotherapy, and it is particularly important for symptomatic prevention and treatment.This article summarizes the recent progress of RSI treatment, and looks forward to the future direction of experimental research and clinical treatment.

  • 9.
    Analysis on the clinical efficacy of sodium carboxyl-methyl-cellulose dressings combined with vacuum sealing drainage in the treatment of diabetic foot ulcer
    Yahui Bao, Zhibin Cao, Jiannan Wang, Yao Bie, Xiaodong Sun, Zongguang Hui
    Chinese Journal of Injury Repair and Wound Healing(Electronic Edition) 2023, 18 (04): 326-330. DOI: 10.3877/cma.j.issn.1673-9450.2023.04.010
    Abstract (57) HTML (0) PDF (5454 KB) (6)

    To discuss the clinical efficacy of sodium carboxyl-methyl-cellulose dressings (CMC-Na) combined with vacuum sealing drainage (VSD) in the treatment of diabetic foot ulcer.


    A total of 120 patients with diabetic foot admitted to Department of Endocrinology and Metabolism, Affiliated Hospital of Weifang Medical University from October 1, 2020 to December 31, 2021 were selected. The patients were divided into control group, CMC-Na group, and CMC-Na combined with VSD group according to different treatment plans, with 40 cases in each group. On the basis of conventional hypoglycemia and anti-infection, the control group was treated with Huangbai liquid rinsing and saline gauze dressing, the CMC-Na group was treated with CMC-Na on the basis of the control group, and the CMC-Na combined with VSD group was treated with CMC-Na combined with VSD on the basis of the control group. At 1 week, 2 weeks and 4 weeks of treatment, the reduction rate of diabetes foot ulcer wound, changes in sinus depth, curative effect and patient satisfaction were compared among the three groups.


    (1)Ulcer wound reduction rate: all three groups showed an increasing trend of ulcer wound reduction rate with the extension of the treatment time (F=203.588, 582.072, 606.211; P<0.05). At 1 week and 2 weeks of treatment, the CMC-Na combined with VSD group was superior to the control group, and the difference was statistically significant (t=6.920, 23.086; P<0.05), but there was no difference between the CMC-Na combined with VSD group and the CMC-Na group (t=3.064, 14.305; P>0.05). At 4 weeks of treatment, the CMC-Na combined with VSD group was significantly better than the control group and the CMC-Na group, and the difference was statistically significant (t=-7.038, -4.999; P<0.05). (2)Changes in sinus depth: all three groups showed a decreasing trend in sinus depth with the extension of treatment time (F=7.888, 4.197, 12.388; P<0.05). The CMC-Na combined with VSD group was significantly better than the control group, and the difference was statistically significant (t=-2.293, -2.958, -3.289; P<0.05). Compared with the CMC-Na group, the sinus depth was smaller in the CMC-Na combined with VSD group, but the difference was not statistically significant (t=-0.241, -1.166, -1.162, P>0.05). (3)Total effective rate: total effective rate of the three groups were 75.0%, 92.5% and 97.5% respectively, the difference was statistically significant (χ2=10.836, P<0.05). (4)Satisfaction: The satisfaction in the three groups was 45.0%, 82.5%, 95.0% respectively, the difference was statistically significant (χ2=8.683, P<0.05).


    Treatment of diabetes foot ulcer with combination of CMC-Na and VSD can significantly promote wound healing, improve patient satisfaction.

  • 10.
    Surgical operation specifications for robot-assisted percutaneous fixation of non-displaced acute scaphoid fracture
    Zhe Yi, Zhixin Wang, Wei Chen, Weiya Qi, Jie Fang, Haifei Shi, Xia Zhao, Zhe Zhao, Feng Zhu, Wei Sheng, Yan Chen, Yuhao Zhang, Jin Zhu, Yaobin Yin, Yong Yang, Shanlin Chen, Bo Liu
    Chinese Journal of Injury Repair and Wound Healing(Electronic Edition) 2023, 18 (06): 464-468. DOI: 10.3877/cma.j.issn.1673-9450.2023.06.002
    Abstract (57) HTML (0) PDF (4739 KB) (3)

    Percutaneous minimally invasive screw fixation of non-displaced acute scaphoid fracture has been carried out in many medical institutions in China, but it is still an important clinical challenge to achieve precise screw placement and avoid surgical complications. It has been verified that robot-assisted procedure with TiRobot system can improve the safety and accuracy of percutaneous fixation of scaphoid fractures. However, robot-assisted orthopedic surgery is a relatively new technology, especially when applied to wrist joints with complex and delicate bone structure. Currently there are no relevant surgical operation specifications to follow. On the basis of the practical experience of experienced medical institutions and experts, combined with the current medical situation in China, this article has formulated the diagnosis and treatment procedures and surgical operation specifications for robot-assisted percutaneous fixation of non-displaced acute scaphoid fractures with TiRobot system. This will guide the clinicians to carry out standardized diagnosis and treatment protocols, improve the safety and reliability of robot-assisted minimally invasive percutaneous fixation of scaphoid fractures.

  • 11.
    Chinese Journal of Injury Repair and Wound Healing(Electronic Edition) 2023, 18 (04): 351-352. DOI: 10.3877/cma.j.issn.1673-9450.2023.04.014
    Abstract (52) HTML (0) PDF (3263 KB) (6)

    患者女,82岁,右膝疼痛3年余,加重半年,保守治疗无效,严重影响生活。入院后X线片示:右膝骨关节炎(图1)。查体:行走跛行,右股四头肌轻度萎缩。右膝内压痛明显,右膝关节活动度10°~140°。侧方应力试验(-),过伸过屈试验(+),麦氏征(+),髌骨研磨试验(+)。右侧足背动脉搏动良好,右侧末端肢体血运、感觉正常。经讨论后实施右膝关节内侧单髁置换术(UKA),假体选择牛津活动平台单髁。手术顺利,术后第1天X线片示假体位置良好(图2)。行康复功能锻炼及下地扶助行器行走,切口周围疼痛轻微,于术后第3天出院。出院后完全负重活动,每天增加活动时间,术后第13天行走约40 min,无疼痛。术后第14天晨起下床后突然出现右膝关节内侧疼痛伴活动障碍,疼痛呈刀割样,局部无红肿、包块、皮温升高。门诊X线片示:右膝UKA术后内侧平台骨折,移位明显,假体无松动表现(图3)。再次入院后行切开复位内固定手术治疗,取胫骨近端内侧切口,显露骨折端,完全复位,T型钢板、螺钉固定。透视骨折复位满意,内固定位置良好。术后X线片示:骨折完全复位,内固定位置良好,假体稳定(图4)。术后给予止痛、抗凝、抗骨质疏松治疗,助行器免负重行走3个月。术后3个月随访已完全负重行走,膝关节活动良好。

  • 12.
    Research progress on the pathogenesis and treatment of carotid blowout syndrome
    Jianlong Liu, Zixuan Zhang, Shengjie Xu, Yunxin Zhang
    Chinese Journal of Injury Repair and Wound Healing(Electronic Edition) 2023, 18 (05): 434-437. DOI: 10.3877/cma.j.issn.1673-9450.2023.05.012
    Abstract (51) HTML (0) PDF (4003 KB) (4)

    Carotid blowout syndrome refers to the fatal complications of vascular wall necrosis, rupture and massive hemorrhage caused by tumor direct invasion and infection after head and neck tumor surgery, recurrence or re-release. The mortality rate is 40% and the neurological complications rate can be as high as 60%. In this article, the pathogenesis and treatment progress of carotid blowout syndrome were reviewed based on relevant literature, the current treatment modalities and prognosis evaluation of CBS were summarized, and the individual treatment of CBS was further discussed.

  • 13.
    Kunzea ericoides leaf extract promotes wound healing in rats by enhancing biological functions of dermal fibroblasts
    Xuefeng He, Shixin Zhao, Peishan Li, Hengdeng Liu, Julin Xie
    Chinese Journal of Injury Repair and Wound Healing(Electronic Edition) 2023, 18 (05): 405-412. DOI: 10.3877/cma.j.issn.1673-9450.2023.05.008
    Abstract (47) HTML (0) PDF (16760 KB) (1)

    To investigate the effects of kunzea ericoides leaf extract on human dermal fibroblasts (HDFs) concerning the migration, proliferation, and collagen synthesis ability and to observe the impact of kunzea ericoides leaf extract on wound healing in rats.


    After stimulation of kunzea ericoides leaf extract in different concentrations, assays of CCK-8 and Calcein/PI staining were applied to screen the optimal concentration of kunzea ericoides leaf extract on HDFs. The expression of Ki67 was detected to observe the proliferation ability of HDFs. Wound-healing assay was applied to detect the migration ability of HDFs after incubation with kunzea ericoides leaf extract. The expressions of typeⅠcollagen, type Ⅲ collagen, and α-smooth muscle actin were detected using the immunofluorescence and western blot assay, representing the collagen synthesis ability change of HDFs. The models of rat skin defect were established and treated with or without kunzea ericoides leaf extract, and the healing time was compared. Furthermore, the wound area tissue's morphology and collagen composition were observed using HE and Masson staining assays after complete healing.


    The optimal concentration of kunzea ericoides leaf extract for HDFs was determined as 1% based on CCK-8 assay and Calcein/PI staining. In addition, the Ki67 expression was increased significantly [(0.71±0.16) vs (0.18±0.06), t=7.156, P<0.001], kunzea ericoides leaf extract enhanced the cell proliferation. The wound-healing assay confirmed that kunzea ericoides leaf extract improved the migration ability of HDFs. The results of the immunofluorescence and western blot assay showed that kunzea ericoides leaf extract increased the expressions of typeⅠcollagen, type Ⅲ collagen, and α-smooth muscle actin in HDFs [(43.22±7.58) vs (16.71±1.68), t=7.635, P<0.001; (46.62±5.90) vs (27.44±1.60), t=7.016, P<0.01; (1.32±0.14) vs (0.46±0.06), t=9.947, P<0.01], which meant kunzea ericoides leaf extract improved the collagen synthesis ability of HDFs. The healing time in the kunzea ericoides leaf extract group was (13.6±1.5)d, significantly shorter than (16.7±1.6)d of the control group (t=6.270, P<0.001). The results of HE and Masson staining suggested that after applying kunzea ericoides leaf extract, the skin tissue from the wound area resembled normal skin morphology and demonstrated more collagen deposition [(84.36±7.82) vs (67.72±5.24), t=5.595, P<0.001].


    Kunzea ericoides leaf extract can promote the proliferation, migration, and collagen synthesis ability of HDFs, and might promote wound healing in rats by enhancing the function of dermal fibroblasts.

  • 14.
    Chinese Journal of Injury Repair and Wound Healing(Electronic Edition) 2023, 18 (06): 552-552. DOI: 10.3877/cma.j.issn.1673-9450.2023.06.019
    Abstract (47) HTML (0) PDF (1291 KB) (1)

    随着对烧伤脓毒症发病本质的逐步了解,临床医师已认识到除感染与炎症过程外,还涉及免疫、凝血及神经-内分泌等一系列基本问题。近年来研究提示,机体免疫功能紊乱参与了脓毒症的病理生理过程,并在很大程度上影响着严重烧伤后全身性炎症反应和多器官损害的结局。烧伤脓毒症患者免疫功能改变及其监测方法主要包括以下几个方面:(1)中性粒细胞(polymorphonuclear neutrophil,PMN):通过测定表达调理素结合受体的PMN数量及中性粒细胞对吞入异物的杀灭能力有助于判断机体的免疫功能状况。(2)巨噬细胞:巨噬细胞在启动、维持宿主免疫反应方面具有重要意义,但其大量的凋亡将导致脓毒症及多器官损害。巨噬细胞功能性改变(包括亚型分化)及凋亡增加将进一步加重脓毒症过程中细胞免疫功能紊乱。(3)T淋巴细胞和调节性T细胞(regulatory T cells,Treg):监测T淋巴细胞增殖活性、计数和凋亡数量以及Treg免疫抑制能力,对于精确了解烧伤患者的免疫功能状态、预后判断具有重要价值。(4)树突状细胞(dendritic cell,DC):DC功能状态[包括人白细胞抗原(human leukocyte antigen,HLA)-DR及共刺激分子CD80/86表达水平]和抗原提呈能力的改变,在脓毒症病程进展中发挥重要作用。动态分析患者DC免疫功能变化规律、针对DC探索有效调控途径将有助于烧伤脓毒症的诊断与治疗。鉴于烧伤脓毒症病理过程的复杂性和网络效应,找出单一的理想生物标志物的可能性很小,将多种脓毒症免疫反应标志物进行组合,有助于提高表型分类的准确性和临床应用价值。因此,通过临床前瞻性试验和验证优化建立评价烧伤脓毒症免疫功能的数学模型,可对患者免疫状态进行精准评估(即免疫功能指数,immune function index,IFI)和动态监测,以早期、敏感、有效地反映病情变化和临床结局,进一步指导临床免疫调理治疗。

  • 15.
    Chinese Journal of Injury Repair and Wound Healing(Electronic Edition) 2023, 18 (05): 460-460. DOI: 10.3877/cma.j.issn.1673-9450.2023.05.018
    Abstract (46) HTML (0) PDF (1174 KB) (1)

    目前,随着创面修复科的兴起,慢性创面的规范诊疗工作正在逐渐深入进行,但是仍然存在许多需要长期换药的慢性创面患者。这些患者往往年龄大、行动不便且经济相对困难。我们建立了叮咚依生平台开展规范的居家创面护理,经过4年多的实践取得了很好的成绩。伤口居家护理服务次数500余次,护士上门平均单程8.1 km,最大单程29 km。创面愈合率25%,绝大多数创面明显好转。该平台在管理上有一键报警、定位跟踪和数据实时上传。对于患者而言,平台上门医护人员给予其全身和局部评估、创面换药处理及诊疗记录和回访。对于医护人员有培训和资质评估、患者满意度评价和医疗争议处理,对于疑难创面患者有远程会诊和专家指导等。平台还开设了健康宣教、健康商城和慈善救助项目。尤其是慈善救助项目救助慢性创面患者400多人,健康宣教1500多人,医护培训800多人,总救助金额500万元。慈善救助项目除了浙江省以外,还远及四川大凉山、新疆阿克苏和青海海西州。希望通过这些行动真正解决慢性创面患者医疗服务的最后一公里。

  • 16.
    Clinical effect of flap combined with vacuum sealing drainage, lavage and drainage in the treatment of plate exposure after internal fixation of tibial fracture
    Ping Wu, Yonglin Liu, Nengbin Chen, Mingjun Ji, Xiaobo Wan
    Chinese Journal of Injury Repair and Wound Healing(Electronic Edition) 2023, 18 (04): 317-320. DOI: 10.3877/cma.j.issn.1673-9450.2023.04.008
    Abstract (45) HTML (2) PDF (5624 KB) (10)

    To investigate the clinical effect of flap combined with vacuum sealing drainage, lavage and drainage in the treatment of plate exposure after internal fixation of tibial fracture.


    From January 2012 to June 2022, 12 patients with tibial fracture and postoperative plate exposure were treated with surgical debridement combined with vacuum sealing drainage, continuous lavage and drainage in Department of Cosmetic Burn and Plastic Surgery, the People′s Hospital of Leshan and in Department of Burn Plastic Surgery, Sichuan Provincial Corps Hospital of Armed Police, and appropriate type of flap repairment (muscle, myocutaneous or axial pattern skin flap) in accordance with wound condition. Regular postoperative follow-up were conducted, along with regular X-ray review. Removed the internal fixation after clinical fracture healing.


    All 12 patients had viable flaps (muscle, myocutaneous and axial pattern skin flap), closed wounds and controlled infection condition. All patients were followed up for 4-18 months. The plates were retained during the whole treatment duration until the fracture healed with full functional recovery.


    In patients with exposed plates after internal fixation of tibial fractures, the combination treatment method of flap with vacuum sealing drainage, continuous lavage and drainage has advantages in retaining the internal fixation during the fracture healing, leading to wound repairment and full functional recovery at the same time.

  • 17.
    Clinical observation of low dose insulin local injection for promotion of adipose derived stem cell transplantation survival and improvement of diabetic wound healing
    Manqing Jia, Jing Bian, Yeping Zhou
    Chinese Journal of Injury Repair and Wound Healing(Electronic Edition) 2023, 18 (04): 312-316. DOI: 10.3877/cma.j.issn.1673-9450.2023.04.007
    Abstract (44) HTML (0) PDF (4901 KB) (5)

    To analyze the clinical effect of low dose insulin local injection for survival of adipose derived stem cells (ADSCs) and transplanted flap and diabetic chronic refractory wound healing.


    A total of 110 diabetic patients with chronic ulcer difficult healing wounds from June 2017 to January 2019 were enrolled and divided randomly into blank group, control group, low dose group (0.5 U insulin), medium dose group (1.0 U insulin) and high dose group (2.0 U insulin), each group of 22 cases. The patients all got free skin flap transplantation and local injection of ADSCs for four weeks. Compared wound healing degree, survival rate of skin flaps and blood flow of wound, expressions of HSP-90, VEGF, TGF-β and IL-1 in healing-unhealed interface tissue detected by ELISA, microvessel number detected by CD31 immunohistochemistry and blood sugar level measured by glucose oxidase method among the groups after two and four weeks.


    The wound healing degree, survival rate of skin flaps and blood flow of wound after two and four weeks in low dose group were all significantly higher than the other groups, expressions of HSP-90, VEGF, TGF-β and IL-1 were higher, and microvessel number were more than the other groups(P<0.05). While there was no significant difference in blood sugar level among the groups (P>0.05).


    It can greatly promote survival of ADSCs and transplanted flap, improve quality of wound healing in diabetic chronic refractory wound with low dose insulin local injection, which may be related to higher expressions of HSP-90, VEGF, TGF-β, IL-1 and microvessel number, without influence of blood sugar, and has better safety and efficacy.

  • 18.
    Effect of comprehensive nursing intervention in perioperative period of free flap transplantation in children
    Ling Wang, Lan Gu
    Chinese Journal of Injury Repair and Wound Healing(Electronic Edition) 2023, 18 (04): 338-341. DOI: 10.3877/cma.j.issn.1673-9450.2023.04.012
    Abstract (44) HTML (0) PDF (3279 KB) (3)

    To explore the effect of comprehensive nursing intervention in the perioperative period of pediatric free flap transplantation.


    In the Department of Burns and Skin Surgery, the First Affiliated Hospital of Air Force Military Medical University, from January 2019 to January 2020, 48 children who underwent free flap repair surgery for lower limb skin defects were selected as the routine nursing group. From February 2020 to February 2021, 48 children who underwent free flap repair surgery for lower limb skin defects were assigned to the comprehensive nursing intervention group. The routine nursing group received routine nursing measures during the perioperative period, while the comprehensive nursing intervention group clarified nursing goals based on preoperative and postoperative emotions, intraoperative insulation measures, postoperative limb placement, and blood flow observation of the patients, and implemented comprehensive nursing interventions.


    The incidence of complications in the comprehensive nursing intervention group was significantly lower than that in the routine nursing group (4.2% vs 16.7%, P<0.05). The survival rate of the flap in the comprehensive nursing intervention group was better than that in the routine nursing group (97.9% vs 89.5%, P<0.05). The compliance scores of children and caregivers in the comprehensive nursing intervention group were higher than those in the routine nursing group [(34.02±2.75) vs (28.22±1.64), t=5.761, P<0.05; (34.65±4.20) vs (29.37±3.28), t=5.524, P<0.05]. The facial expression grading scores of the comprehensive nursing intervention group at 24 hours and 3 days after surgery were lower than those of the routine nursing group [(2.41±0.23) vs (3.26±0.19), t=19.580, P<0.05; (1.78±0.11) vs (2.74±0.18), t=30.482, P<0.05]. The comprehensive nursing intervention group had lower scores on the anxiety self-assessment scale at 24 hours and 3 days after surgery than the routine nursing group [(55.87±1.73) vs (61.98±2.01), t=15.841, P<0.05; (45.89±2.50) vs (56.78±1.68), t=24.911, P<0.05].


    Comprehensive nursing intervention can reduce the incidence of perioperative complications in pediatric free flap transplantation, increase flap survival rate, improve clinical prognosis, and promote postoperative recovery.

  • 19.
    Research progress of the regulating role and mechanism of macrophage polarization in osteoporosis
    Yixian Lu, Zhentao Zhang, Demeng Xia, Jialin Wang
    Chinese Journal of Injury Repair and Wound Healing(Electronic Edition) 2023, 18 (06): 538-541. DOI: 10.3877/cma.j.issn.1673-9450.2023.06.016
    Abstract (44) HTML (0) PDF (3804 KB) (1)

    Osteoporosis has been one of the major diseases that people pay attention to. Macrophage polarization may be one of the important mechanisms affecting osteoporosis. The cytokines produced during the process of macrophage polarization and the related signaling pathways activated interact with various bone-related cells such as osteocytes, osteoblasts and osteoclasts, and participate in the formation and outcome of osteoporosis. This paper mainly describes the generation and regulation mechanism of macrophage polarization and phenotypic transformation, summarizes its important role in the process of bone healing, discusses its prospects for the treatment of osteoporosis, and provides new ideas for the selection of osteoporosis targets.

  • 20.
    Comparation of efficacy on meshed skin grafting and ReCell epidermal cell transplantation in the treatment of deep second degree burns
    Cheng Wang, Huijun Zhang, Fengjun Qin, Hui Chen
    Chinese Journal of Injury Repair and Wound Healing(Electronic Edition) 2023, 18 (06): 498-502. DOI: 10.3877/cma.j.issn.1673-9450.2023.06.008
    Abstract (43) HTML (0) PDF (4900 KB) (13)

    To compare the efficacy of meshed skin grafting and ReCell epidermal cell transplantation in the treatment of deep partial-thickness burns.


    A tatal of 40 patients with deep partial-thickness burns who were admitted to the Department of Burns at Beijing Jishuitan Hospital, Capital Medical University from January 2019 to January 2022 and met the inclusion criteria were randomly divided into a study group and a control group. The study group received treatment with ReCell epidermal cell transplantation, while the control group received treatment with meshed skin grafting (1∶2). Postoperative wound observation and evaluation were performed at regular intervals and photographs were taken. The healing time, donor site area, operation time, postoperative pain, and postoperative scar formation were compared between the two groups. Data were analyzed using t test and χ2 or Fisher test.


    This study included 20 patients in the ReCell epidermal cell transplantation group and 20 patients in the meshed skin graft group. There was no statistically significant difference between the two groups in baseline characteristics such as age, gender, and burn area.The healing time was (15.3±2.3)d in the study group and (18.5±3.5)d in the control group, and there was a significant difference between the two groups (P<0.05). For the same repaired 100 cm2 wound, the donor site area was (1.8±0.2)cm2 in the study group and (48.3±2.9) cm2 in the control group. The average operation time was (45.3±6.3)min in the study group and (50.4±9.9)min in the control group, and there was no significant difference between the two groups. Postoperative pain: on postoperative day 1, 3, and 7, the pain index of the study group was significantly lower than that of the control group (P<0.05). Postoperative scar formation: in the follow-up at 3, 6, 9, and 12 months after surgery, the scar score of the study group was significantly lower than that of the control group (P<0.05), especially at 9 and 12 months after surgery.


    ReCell epidermal cell transplantation has a shorter healing time, smaller donor site area, less postoperative pain and scar formation compared to meshed skin grafting in the treatment of deep partial-thickness burns, and there is no significant difference in operation time. ReCell epidermal cell transplantation is an effective treatment for deep partial-thickness burns, which can improve the therapeutic effect.

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