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中华损伤与修复杂志(电子版) ›› 2016, Vol. 11 ›› Issue (06) : 438 -442. doi: 10.3877/cma.j.issn.1673-9450.2016.06.008

所属专题: 文献


刘利华1, 王智忠1, 曹强1, 努尔兰1, 刘小龙1,()   
  1. 1. 830001 乌鲁木齐,新疆维吾尔自治区人民医院烧伤、创面修复外科
  • 收稿日期:2016-09-12 出版日期:2016-12-01
  • 通信作者: 刘小龙
  • 基金资助:

Study on the application of self made simple negative pressure device in the preparation of wound bed for diabetic foot

Lihua Liu1, Zhizhong Wang1, Qiang Cao1, Nuerlan1, Xiaolong Liu1,()   

  1. 1. Department of Burns, Wound Repair Surgery, People′s Hospital of Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region, Urumuqi 830001, China
  • Received:2016-09-12 Published:2016-12-01
  • Corresponding author: Xiaolong Liu
  • About author:
    Corresponding author: Liu Xiaolong, Email:

刘利华, 王智忠, 曹强, 努尔兰, 刘小龙. 自制简易负压装置在糖尿病足"创面床准备"中的适用性研究[J/OL]. 中华损伤与修复杂志(电子版), 2016, 11(06): 438-442.

Lihua Liu, Zhizhong Wang, Qiang Cao, Nuerlan, Xiaolong Liu. Study on the application of self made simple negative pressure device in the preparation of wound bed for diabetic foot[J/OL]. Chinese Journal of Injury Repair and Wound Healing(Electronic Edition), 2016, 11(06): 438-442.






两组患者住院期间无死亡,无严重并发症出现。出院后随访3~7个月,中位随访时间为5个月。治疗组疼痛程度评分[(4.82±1.35)分]与对照组[(4.01±2.07)分]比较,差异无统计学意义(t=1.194,P=0.142);但换药次数、治疗时间的比较中,对照组[(5.06±4.69)次、(19.54±28.97) d]少于治疗组[(10.22±7.32)次、(24.01±23.11) d],差异均有统计学意义(t=4.238、3.783,P=0.024、0.048);治疗费用的比较中,治疗组[(2.58±1.19)万元]明显低于对照组[(4.33±2.78)万元],差异有统计学意义(t=5.482,P=0.017)。两组患者1周内肉芽覆盖面积的比较差异无统计学意义(Z=0.345,P=0.730)。




To explore the application, advantages and disadvantages of self made simple negative pressure device in the preparation of wound bed for diabetic foot.


Statistical analysis 60 patients of diabetic foot in burns, wound repair surgery, People′s hospital of Xinjiang uygur autonomous region from February 2014 to August 2015, 30 patients underwent self made simple negative pressure device(treatment group), and 30 patients underwent the vacuum sealing drainage of Shandong wei gao xinsheng medical instrument co., LTD (control group). To compare the two groups of patients with times of dressing change, treatment time, pain degree, treatment cost and the area of wound granulation in a week and so on. Measurement data was analyzed with t test, grade data with rank sum test.


There was no perioperative deaths and serious complications duration of hospital stay in this two groups. After discharge, the patients were followed up for 3 to 7 months, with a median of 5 months.The difference was not statistically significant in pain degree [(4.82±1.35) points vs (4.01±2.07) points, t=1.194, P=0.142]. But times of dressing change and treatment time of control group were better than treatment group [times of dressing change(10.22±7.32) times vs (5.06±4.69) times, t=4.238, P=0.024; treatment time (24.01±23.11) d vs (19.54±28.97) d, t=3.783, P=0.048]. The treatment cost of treatment group was better than control group [(2.58±1.19) ten thousand yuan vs (4.33±2.78) ten thousand yuan, t=5.482, P=0.017]. The difference was not statistically significant in the area of wound granulation in a week(Z=0.345, P=0.730).


Self made negative pressure drainage device in the production of negative pressure drainage device in patients with diabetic foot wound bed preparation, in the premise of ensuring the same efficacy can greatly reduce the cost of hospitalization, suitable for primary hospital application promotion.

表1 两组糖尿组组患者基线资料的比较
表2 两组糖尿病足患者换药次数、治疗时间、VAS评分、治疗费用的比较(±s)
表3 通过比较肉芽覆盖面积评价两组糖尿病足患者1周内的疗效
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