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中华损伤与修复杂志(电子版) ›› 2018, Vol. 13 ›› Issue (05) : 355 -360. doi: 10.3877/cma.j.issn.1673-9450.2018.05.007

所属专题: 经典病例 文献


肖荣1, 赵海春2, 胡东升1, 袁仕安1, 林国安1,()   
  1. 1. 463000 驻马店,解放军第一五九医院全军烧伤中心
    2. 463000 驻马店,解放军第一五九医院体检中心
  • 收稿日期:2018-07-24 出版日期:2018-10-01
  • 通信作者: 林国安

Analysis of the epidemiological characteristics and prevention and treatment of forty-nine neonatal burn patients in the south region of Henan province

Rong Xiao1, Haichun Zhao2, Dongsheng Hu1, Shian Yuan1, Guoan Lin1,()   

  1. 1. Military Burn Center, the 159th Hospital of People′s Liberation Army, Zhumadian 463000, China
    2. Health Examination Center, the 159th Hospital of People′s Liberation Army, Zhumadian 463000, China
  • Received:2018-07-24 Published:2018-10-01
  • Corresponding author: Guoan Lin
  • About author:
    Corresponding author: Lin Guoan, Email:

肖荣, 赵海春, 胡东升, 袁仕安, 林国安. 豫南地区49例新生儿烧伤流行病学特点及防治分析[J]. 中华损伤与修复杂志(电子版), 2018, 13(05): 355-360.

Rong Xiao, Haichun Zhao, Dongsheng Hu, Shian Yuan, Guoan Lin. Analysis of the epidemiological characteristics and prevention and treatment of forty-nine neonatal burn patients in the south region of Henan province[J]. Chinese Journal of Injury Repair and Wound Healing(Electronic Edition), 2018, 13(05): 355-360.




回顾性分析解放军第一五九医院全军烧伤中心1967年2月至2018年5月收治的49例新生儿烧伤病例资料,年龄0~28 d,平均年龄(3.57±7.35) d,男28例,女21例。烧伤总面积1%~46%总体表面积(TBSA),平均(8.66±7.29)%TBSA,浅Ⅱ度(4.23±3.79)%TBSA,深Ⅱ度(7.29±6.71)%TBSA,Ⅲ度(5.73±5.05)%TBSA。受伤至入院平均时间(2.79±4.40) d。入院时伴中度以上休克者4例,吸入性损伤6例,合并新生儿窒息7例,新生儿硬肿2例,脑积水1例。将所有病例按入院时间不同分为20世纪60~70年代、20世纪80~90年代和2000年至今3组,比较分析其烧伤原因、烧伤部位、烧伤面积、手术次数、住院时间、并发症及预后情况。对数据行单因素方差分析、χ2检验及Fisher确切概率法检验。






To explore the epidemiological characteristics and prevention strategy of neonatal burns in southern Henan province.


From February 1967 to May 2018, a total of 49 cases of neonatal burns were admitted to the burn center of the 159th Hospital of People′s Liberation Army, aged 0-28 (3.57±7.35) days, 28 cases of male and 21 cases of female, with total 1%-46% (8.66±7.29)% total body surface area (TBSA) burns including superficial Ⅱ degree (4.23±3.79)%TBSA, deep partial-thickness burn (7.29±6.71)%TBSA, and full thickness burn (5.73±5.05)%TBSA. The average time from injury to admission was (2.79±4.40) days. While admission, there were 4 cases with moderate shock and 6 cases with inhalation injury. There were 7 cases of neonatal asphyxia, 2 cases of neonatal hard swelling and 1 case of hydrocephalus. All of the cases were collected and retrospectively analyzed. According to the admission time, the cases were divided into 3 groups, 1960s-1970 s, 1980s-1990 s, and 2000s-2010 s. And their causes, injured body parts, burn area, the times of operation, hospitalization time, complications and prognosis were comparatively analyzed. Data were processed with one-way analysis of variance, chi-square test and Fisher′s exact test.


Hot liquid scald accounted for 57.14% of the total number of cases, 26.53% of burns caused by flame, and 6.12% of cases by neonatal thermostat. Compared with the ages, the number of thermal scald increased, and the number of flame burns decreased (with P values below 0.05). The proportion of iatrogenic factors increased year by year (P<0.05). Neonatal burns were mostly injured in head, neck, trunk and limbs, while hip, perineal, digestive tract and inhalation injuries were rare, with no significant difference in the different ages (with P values above 0.05). There were no remarkable differences in burn area and burn areas of different degrees of burn among the newborns of the different ages (with P values above 0.05). The total number of operations were close, but the number of hospitalization days was gradually reduced (P<0.05). Hypoalbuminemia, electrolyte imbalance disorder and diarrhea were the most common complications in neonates. Sepsis and death rate were significantly reduced (with P values below 0.05). The total cure rate was 91.84%.


To improve the national awareness of burn prevention and first aid, standardize the nursing process of newborn babies, and reduce iatrogenic burns are the fundamental solving ways. The application of new technologies such as hemodynamic monitoring, multidisciplinary cooperation, NPWT and MEEK skin grafting are key measures for the treatments of severely burned neonates.

表1 不同年代新生儿烧伤原因(例)
表2 新生儿烧伤部位统计(例)
表3 各年代新生儿烧伤面积、手术次数及住院时间(±s)
表4 新生儿并发症及预后情况(例)
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